
Call me Jeremy. This blog is about me and my time as a US Peace Corps Volunteer in Botswana, which began in April 2011 and ends June 2013. All volunteers in Botswana are meant to focus their efforts on the structural and behavioral issues surrounding HIV/AIDS.

I am a Michigan native and recent graduate of Michigan State University with a health background. Botswana provides a great setting for a view into the systems of global development; this blog serves as a vessel of communication to the developed world. My assignment here is with a small, grassroots Non-Governmental Organization: a support group for People Living with HIV/AIDS and those affected by the virus. Most of my efforts concern building the capacity of my group members, that is, to guide them in offering problem-solving services to the community on their own. The value of a Peace Corps Volunteer can be measured in the success of his or her host country counterparts.

Family, friends, colleagues, and curious passerby – feel free to accompany me on this journey and ask me your questions. You can email me at: hardyjer@gmail.com. Also keep in mind: the views on this site are mine alone, and do not reflect those of the U.S. Government, Peace Corps, or any other organization discussed. Thanks for reading!

3 thoughts on “About

  1. Ginger Chapman says:

    Jeremy, This sounds so exciting. We are so proud of you! Keep up the great work. You will be in our prayers.

    Ginger and family

  2. Joan Ehrhardt says:


    I wish you much fun and luck in your coming adventures!
    Everything I know about Botswana comes from the Number 1. Ladies’ Detective Agency. “That terrible sickness” that is leaving many orphaned is a recurring theme. As is the beauty of this country and its people. Keep us posted!


  3. Esther Park says:

    Hi, please email me as soon as possible (epstergrl123@yahoo.com) would you mind if I referred to you in my history term paper? I wanted to quote some of your experiences
    And also if you do have a chance to, can i ask you a few questions that you can answer thoroughly through email, phone calls, etc about your experiences as a Peace Corps volunteer

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